Te Pae - Christchurch Convention Centre
Ashby’s Ready Mix supply concrete for the first pour of the Christchurch Convention Centre.
Christchurch Bus Exchange
Ashby’s Ready Mix supply concrete in the biggest continuous structural pour in Christchurch for the Christchurch Bus Exchange.
Christchurch Cardboard Cathedral
Under the direction of main contractor Naylor Love, Ashby's Ready-Mixed, with assistance from company Allied Concrete, delivered to site approximately 720m3 of concrete, the equivalent of around 150 truckloads. Beginning at 4:00am, the marathon concrete pour lasted 7-hours.
Turanga - Christchurch Central Library
The multimillion-dollar new central library in Christchurch draws on the features of Canterbury’s landscapes. Ashby’s is proud to have been part of creating a new focal space for locals and visitors to the city alike. Among the notable building solutions in this project was the usage of post-tensioned hybrid concrete shear walls and steel moment resisting frames to the perimeter of the building.